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Terry….Terry….Terry. Oh what a tangled web you weave with the voters of Missoula County you try to deceive. You have a few patterns that seem to be reoccurring. First you try to silence your co-workers 1st Amendment Rights and when caught fabricate a big whopper and hide behind your attorney. So either you are not being honest or your attorney is incompetent. Please let the voters know which it is! Next you get your little gang of Missoula Progressive Elites to silence your opponents by helping fabricate that your opponents are not real Democrats, robbing them of the resources of the party. I guess you feel that voters are not smart enough to review and disseminate the facts between the candidates and so you and the Politburo helped guide their decision “wink wink”. You talk a big game on how you won the Labor Board Lottery and how you were picked on. Everyone really wants to know more about that big bully story…..but you won’t release the reports and documents from the hearing. Help a brother out Terry! Release the findings so everyone can see the truth. The truth shall set you free or….maybe not. So many questions you have avoided during this campaign. So many questions that we have for you? Have you ever involved in or had any other cases or settlements sealed where the public couldn’t see the truth? Why did you leave Anaconda P.D? Did you have knowledge of people harassing local businesses that are supporting your opponents? Why would you want a pedophile suspended instead of fired from the department? You fabricate how current employees were using resources “without proof” to campaign and pick on you. Please present it. Besides the fact you took $60,cheap burberry scarf,000 from the hard working citizens of Missoula you talk about how resources are wasted. Kind of like taking sick days Terry and going around Missoula handing out your campaign flyers,burberry outlet, signs,true religion outlet, etc. You do know sick days are paid by the tax payers? You do know it is not free money picked from money trees? You talk about how you can manage a department when you can’t even manage your personal business. Tax liens would have any other Missoula County resident meeting an officer from the Sheriff’s Department as they are being served or assets seized,cheap burberry scarf, the department you want to lead. Would you let your employees serve you as they would everyone else in the public sector? Did you keep all your properties or did the bank take them back? After all you would be running a department with a large budget and if you can’t keep your personal affairs in check,gen18636,burberry outlet online, how would you keep the citizens of Missoula County and their tax dollars in check? You know the same tax dollars that you didn’t pay on your property? The same tax dollars you took,cheap true religion,gen6059, that your campaign manager County Commissioner Curtiss approved in a settlement that you won’t release the records on. The same settlement that you keep bringing Josh Clarks name into,and the Australian Institute of Marine Science,cheap true religion jeans, although he was never named in the claim that you took to the labor board. Missoula County voters have pulled back the curtains in the Land of Oz and Terry it has revealed the true you. You are not worthy to lead a department and not worthy to hold the office.

As there's no longer any threshold and you can now can get into the European Parliament with around 1 percent of valid votes,Soma Kumur owner Alp Gurkan boasted that,http://www.hotelwestpoint.com/outletsbur.html, it's extremely likely the NPD will manage to enter the European Parliament, he said.

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