The People's Democratic Reform Committee's

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One of the themes that threads its way through all of my writing about China is the strength embodied in the family unit. Filial piety is a tradition that has not been absolutely washed away with modernism,,they will be hoping to dent the hopes of another high flyer., and through this, family strength stays intact. I have hosted many post-graduate students in Australia and I have noticed more than anything that there is a grieving for the loss of family contact. We hosted one young student who was absolutely inconsolable until her father, and then her mother, flew out from China to be with her. She had all of the comforts of her own home, and probably more, but she did not have the anchor of family proximity.

The People's Democratic Reform Committee's (PDRC) leader Suthep Thaugsuban Saturday urged millions of his supporters to join him in the "last fight" to oust the country's caretaker government.

But concerns a military takeover was under way were fuelled by the troop presence and the censorship of media in the interests of "national security".